Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

About Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Volunteers are crucial to the NHS’s vision for the future of health and social care and there has never been a better time to become a volunteer in a health care setting.
The Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital has invested greatly in its volunteer programme and is able to offer a variety of rewarding and impactful volunteering opportunities which benefit the volunteers, our patients, our families, and our hospital staff.
If you would like to contribute to your local community, learn new skills, meet new friends or discover career options while contributing to a great experience of care, we have a role for you!
There is a myriad of volunteer roles at NNUH, providing stimulating, challenging, and rewarding opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds. Our volunteers provide a valuable non-clinical dimension to hospital life, contributing their skills to wards, clinics, way finding, administration, telephone wellbeing, fundraising, hydration & nutrition, Dementia, Driving and Settling in at home, to name but a few.

Recently added opportunities

Emergency Department Volunteer
Organisation role · 2–4 hrs/Week
Emergency Department Volunteer
Volunteers are based in Telephone, Children’s ED, Trolley Bay, Older Person’s ED, Minor Injuries, Rapid Assessment, Ambulatory, Streaming &Homeless.Posted by Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Outpatient, Clinic and Admin Volunteers
Organisation role · 2–4 hrs/Week
Outpatient, Clinic and Admin Volunteers
Outpatient volunteers at the NNUH support staff, patients and visitors in a variety of ward areas, out-patient clinics and administration departments.Posted by Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Safety Netting calls
Organisation role · 3–4 hrs/Week · Starting from 13 Jan 2025
Safety Netting calls
Safety Netting Calls we are looking to recruit volunteers for an exciting project. Any Day Monday - Friday between 9.30 – 4:00 for a 2-4hr session.Posted by Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Mental Health Volunteer  - Emergency Department/Wards
Organisation role · 3 hrs/Week
Mental Health Volunteer - Emergency Department/Wards
A dedicated team to support our patients who are experiencing a mental health crisis at a potentially critical time in their lives. Posted by Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


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Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust