Voluntary Norfolk Communities Team

Supporting Volunteering in Norfolk

The Get InVOLved Norfolk Platform is looked after by the Communities Team at Voluntary Norfolk.

As well as supporting individuals into volunteering, we also give advice to groups, encouraging them to join our support network.

Alongside this we run our Momentum service, specifically for organisations working with young people.

Voluntary Norfolk has been supporting volunteering in Norfolk for over 50 years, as well as delivering commissioned services.

Image of Amelia and Laura from Voluntary Norfolk's Communities Team
shows people connected with lines

The Voluntary Norfolk Network

Would you like to join forces with other local voluntary and community organisations? 

If so why not become part of the Voluntary Norfolk Network. It’s free to join, all you need to do is tell us a bit about what you do on this online form

The Network is a space where voluntary and community organisations can share information, resources and skills. Our Network team runs regular online and in person networking events and workshops as part of the Empowering Communities Partnership

We send out regular bulletins and updates to help you stay on top of all the latest training, funding and partnership opportunities. We also signpost to local, national and international research and resources to help you run your organisations effectively. 

For more information contact us below.

Empowering Communities logo

We are part of the Empowering Communities Partnership, working with our partners Community Action Norfolk, FUSE Network, Norfolk Community Advice Network and Norfolk Community Foundation to provide information, support and training to VCSE organisations across Norfolk.

The team

Laura Holland
Laura Holland[email protected]Volunteering Platform Manager
Clare Bury
Clare Bury [email protected]Volunteer Engagement Officer
Hannah Scuffham
Hannah Scuffham[email protected]Volunteering Platform Officer and Data Analyst