
If your organisation is looking for volunteers, Get InVOLved Norfolk is a great way to advertise your volunteer roles, connect with potential volunteers and share roles straight to your social media.

Once you have registered, you can post your roles to Get InVOLved Norfolk where volunteers can approach you directly. You can also reach out to volunteers who have registered with the Volunteer Pool. This can be done by selecting 'Search potential volunteers' from within your role.

Please take a moment to watch our quick demo below and read our Help Centre guide on creating an opportunity before you upload any roles.

Please note that everyone needs an account to use the site and once you have created your organisation it will need to be approved by us before you can start adding opportunities.

Select register below to get started.

How to get started.

The demo below shows you how.

Find volunteers in four easy steps

Register an account

Register for an account to get started with Get InVOLved Norfolk

Create an organisation page

Once you have a personal account you can create and personalise your organisation's page.

Post an opportunity

Post and manage your opportunities

Find volunteers

You can search the Volunteer Pool to find volunteers that have agreed to be contacted and get in touch with them about your opportunities

Flourish Youth Awards for Volunteering and Participation

What is the Flourish Youth Awards for Volunteering and Participation?

The Flourish Youth Awards for Volunteering and Participation recognises young people’s volunteering and participation and the impact it has on their community and on their own personal development. The awards are an expansion of the Norfolk Youth Award that was originally set up by Norfolk County Council's Youth Service. While the name has changed since its inception, the award's main purpose to celebrate young people's achievements remains the same.

Linking the award to the Flourish framework:

Momentum has decided to join these awards to Norfolk County Council’s Flourish ambition. This objective has been inspired by the things young people have said are most important to them:

  • Family and friends
  • Access to learning
  • The opportunity to lead a good life
  • Being understood
  • Building resilience
  • Respect for their individuality
  • Feeling safe
  • Being healthy

If you are an organisation that works with young people who volunteer or get involved in participation work, find out more below!

Flourish Youth Awards for Volunteer and Participation with person reaching up
Aviva employees supporting local charities

Corporate Volunteering

Corporate volunteering is on the rise, recently an increasing number of employers have been getting in touch wanting to support local good causes.

Get InVOLved Norfolk is here to support you through making the most of the skills and expertise corporate volunteers offer. Adding your tasks and activities to the platform is the best way for employers to see what they could get involved in.

Don't have time to add your activity? Complete the form below and we can add it for you,

If you need further support do reach out to us

The King's Awards for Voluntary Service

Celebrating the outstanding work of local volunteers groups across the UK.

Created in 2002 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee and previously known as The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS), the Award has been shining a light on the fantastic work of voluntary groups from all across the UK for many years.

Equivalent to an MBE, KAVS is the highest Award given to local voluntary groups in the UK, and they are awarded for life.

Join the Voluntary Norfolk Network here to hear about events and sessions regarding The King's Awards.

Get the most out of Get InVOLved Norfolk

Find volunteers

Whether you are looking for that one expert, or dozens of volunteers to make your event a success. Our advanced filters ensure that your opportunity ends up with the right volunteers.

Need specific information from volunteers?

Do you need certain information from volunteers to determine if they are suitable for your organisation? Create your own registration form and find the perfect match.

Get sharing

We love to share. With the click of a button, everyone in your network can share your vacancy on social media and invite friends to join.

Visualise your impact

Our Data and Analytics features help you make data-driven decisions and create reports that show the difference your volunteers and organisation are making.

Build a community

Invite your permanent volunteers to join your organisation page. If you find a new volunteer, you can also add them as a member. This way you build a close community of involved volunteers!

How do I message volunteers?

You can use the chat function to send volunteers or members of your organisation a message.

How do I invite people to sign up to an activity or event?

Invite people to sign up for activities or events.

Need more support

Explore what other support we can offer.

Voluntary Norfolk Network

Would you like to join forces with other local voluntary and community organisations?
If so why not become part of the Voluntary Norfolk Network. It’s free to join.

Do you work with young people?

Momentum (Norfolk) supports voluntary and community organisations working with children and young people in Norfolk. Our aim is to support local organisations to build a vibrant and diverse voluntary and community sector that inspires, involves and empowers the young people that they work with.

Contact us

Prefer to speak to us?
Get in touch with the team and we can discuss what support is available.


We have compiled a summary of volunteering resources, guidance and advice from various sources that we hope you find helpful.

News and Blog Posts

How to include volunteering on your CV

This CharityJob article "How to Include Volunteering on Your CV" offers practical advice on effectively ...
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South Norfolk Community Awards

South Norfolk Council’s Community Awards highlight the work of local volunteers that go the extra mile to make ...
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BBC Radio Norfolk Make A Difference Awards

The BBC Radio Norfolk Make A Difference Awards celebrate those who make life better for others in our ...
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Trustees & Board Members: Online networking evening

Thursday 27th March · 6:30 - 8pm

On Thursday 27th March, Empowering Communities partners Voluntary ...
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