Volunteer Website Assistant

Volunteer Website Assistant

Task · 2–4 hrs
NR27 9FA, Cromer, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom
WebsiteITArts & crafts
Art & cultureWellbeingEducation
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education10 Reduced inequalities

Contact person

Claire GraingerAsk Claire a question
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Cromer Artspace
Scan me or visit www.getinvolvednorfolk.org.uk/o/Cromer-Artspace/opportunities/Volunteer-Website-Assistant/95119 to join


Could you help us to develop our website as a hub for information about the aims, plans and activities of Cromer Artspace?

Detailed description

We are looking for a volunteer Website Assistant, to help to develop our website as a resource for volunteers, artists and members of the public to find out information about Cromer Artspace. This will involve adding and updating information and photos provided by the trustees and other volunteers and regularly reviewing the website to ensure information is up to date and relevant. There may also be an opportunity to develop the role by sourcing and producing content, with the approval of the trustees.

If you are interested in the Arts, well-organised, confident using computers, and know about WordPress or are willing to learn, you may be the person we are looking for. This opportunity is a chance to learn more about website development and using WordPress in an Arts setting, as well as being part of a friendly and committed team of volunteers.

(Thank you for the image by Werner Moser from Pixabay)

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About Cromer Artspace

Cromer Artspace aims to engage and inspire the local community with art in public places, encouraging audience engagement and participation by increasing the understanding of the arts. All of us are volunteers and we aim to be fresh and outward looking, supporting artists and bringing works and events of quality and imagination to Cromer.