Trustees & Board Members: Online networking evening

Thursday 27th March · 6:30 - 8pm
On Thursday 27th March, Empowering Communities partners Voluntary Norfolk and FUSE Network will host our second online networking event specifically for trustees and directors to engage in conversations about some of the main challenges they face and to seek advice from others in similar situations.
Our first online networking event for Trustees and Board members in November 2024 proved really popular and received positive comments from attendees. During the session and through a linked survey, priority areas of support for board members were identified as:
- Networking
- Training
- Mentoring
- Resources
This second session will aim to explore in more depth the training, mentoring and resource needs of Norfolk board members to enable us to shape future support through Empowering Communities. The session will also provide valuable networking time for attendees to share challenges, problem-solve and learn from one another.
If you would like to join the conversation, register for a free place!
This workshop will be online. If you require any adjustments to help you attend, please get in touch with communities@
This event is brought to you by Voluntary Norfolk VCSE Sector Support Team and FUSE Network as part of the Empowering Communities Partnership.