Garden Volunteer

Garden Volunteer

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Wymondham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom
GardeningOutdoorsClearing litter
Nature & sustainabilityWellbeingArt & culture
3 Good health and well-being11 Sustainable cities and communities15 Life on land
Suitable for under 18's

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Wymondham in Bloom
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We are a jolly bunch of flexible volunteers keeping Wymondham town centre looking its best. All volunteers only undertake tasks which they enjoy.

Detailed description

Wymondham in Bloom volunteers do a wide range of tasks to keep the town centre looking good. From litter picking and graffiti removal to planting, pruning and weeding, no job is too small if it has an impact on our environment. We want to live in a nice place and so we are keen to do our bit.

Each of us contributes as and when we can, but often there's a regular group going out on Mondays at 10.

We enjoy taking part in these working parties as it is fun to chat and spend time outside, making a difference in our communities. And we get a bit of exercise too while we are at it. Often we enjoy a cup of tea afterwards together for more time to chat.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

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About Wymondham in Bloom

Wymondham in Bloom aims to bring the community together with the common goal of brightening the Town centre with flowers for all to enjoy.
Our volunteers work with businesses and residents on the main streets in town to decorate their front entrances with hanging baskets and creative floral displays.
Since 2019 Wymondham has been part of Anglia in Bloom, our regional edition of the RHS Britain in Bloom campaign. To keep our town worthy of a Gold award we regularly weed, prune and litter pick around the high street.