Skip Sidebar![6 Clean water and sanitation](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-06.png)
![1 No Poverty](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-01.png)
![3 Good health and well-being](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-03.png)
Clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene are basic human rights. They should be a normal part of daily life for everyone, everywhere – but they aren't. That's why we're here.
We're working with ...
Foreign aid and disaster reliefPoverty reductionHealth
![6 Clean water and sanitation](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-06.png)
![1 No Poverty](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-01.png)
![3 Good health and well-being](/sdgs/en/SDG-Goal-03.png)