School reading support volunteer

School reading support volunteer

Organisation role · 1–5 hrs/Week
Flexible location
Reading & WritingYouth workAssistance
EducationChildren & youthSocial justice
4 Quality education10 Reduced inequalities
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The Norfolk Reading Project
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Contact person

Anne WilliamsAsk Anne a question


The volunteer role is to support teachers in the classroom by giving children a one to one opportunity to practice their reading

Detailed description


Government Statistics show that 1 in 4 children leave primary school unable to read to the expected standard

You could help change this!!

The Norfolk Reading Project are looking for volunteers, with regular weekly time to offer, during term-time, to support developing readers in the classroom with one-to-one reading practice. (Weekly is ideal but schools will be grateful for any time you can give them-------you may find you want to go more often!)

  • We will provide volunteers with a one-day training session in which they will be given an understanding of the importance of phonics in learning to read. This is in line with the emphasis placed on phonics in the National Curriculum. This focus on phonics is particularly welcomed by teachers as it supports rather than conflicts with their class teaching. These training sessions are run approximately once a month, usually in Town Close School in Norwich. We have also started running training sessions in Great Yarmouth and Thetford.


  • We will arrange and pay for DBS checks for each volunteer


  • We will then introduce the volunteers to a suitable school, which is looking for volunteers.

  • We will also provide the volunteers with phonics reading books, a volunteer handbook and other resources to support them in the classroom

Ongoing support

The Norfolk Reading Project runs workshops for the volunteers with a speech therapist and a specialist in dyslexia. We plan to repeat these and run other similar workshops in the future.

This year we also ran a very successful Coffee Morning where volunteers could meet up and exchange ideas and experiences.

Volunteers receive a regular online news letter 'IN THE LOOP' to keep them in touch with what is going with the Charity.

Our Facebook Page is also full of news and useful information.

Volunteering as a reader in schools is a wonderfully rewarding and enjoyable experience.

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About The Norfolk Reading Project

The Norfolk Reading Project

According to Government statistics, one in four children are now leaving primary school unable to read to the expected standard

The Norfolk Reading Project is a local charity which was started in 2015 in response to increasing concern about these reading standards across the county and the impact this has on the future prospects of children. In the last few years, we have trained over 300 volunteers, and we are supporting more than 50 schools throughout the county.
Our volunteers are much in demand. We are therefore still looking for committed volunteers with regular weekly time to offer during the school term to support developing readers in schools with one-to-one reading practice. Our volunteers usually go into school for a half day, so about 2-3hours. Some stay longer and provide a full day in school.

Volunteering as a reader in schools is a wonderfully rewarding and enjoyable experience.

To find out more about TNRP go to our website or email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you.