Volunteer Involvement Worker

Volunteer Involvement Worker

Project role (Temporary) · 3–4 hrs/month · For around 10 months
IP24 3LH, Thetford, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom
AssistanceSupport work
Community & familyWellbeingHealth
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities

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Ormiston Families
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Assist Ormiston Families involvement officer to run a monthly co-production group with children impacted by imprisonment.

Detailed description

Assist Ormiston Families involvement officer to run a monthly co-production group with children impacted by imprisonment. The aim of the group is to involve children in the creation of a book and an animation that will be used by the Breaking Barriers service to further support families impacted by imprisonment. We hope you would spend a minimum of 3 hours a month in this role. The role is likely to be on a Tuesday /Thursday between 4.30-7 pm. This role is likely to end in December 2023 when the project should be completed. The role will involve;

·       Help set up any activities and games

·       Assist and support children with any activities and games

·       Listen and support children to talk about their experiences and develop their own views

·       Encourage kind and non-judgemental behaviour

·       Help clean and tidy up after activities

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.1 spot left.
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About Ormiston Families

We support families in the East of England to build resilience and make choices to improve the life chances of their children. We take early and preventative action to support families to be safe, healthy and resilient: all our services help people to build stronger networks, learn from experience and feel in control of their own wellbeing.