Volunteer Involvement Worker

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Assist Ormiston Families involvement officer to run a monthly co-production group with children impacted by imprisonment.Detailed description
Assist Ormiston Families involvement officer to run a monthly co-production group with children impacted by imprisonment. The aim of the group is to involve children in the creation of a book and an animation that will be used by the Breaking Barriers service to further support families impacted by imprisonment. We hope you would spend a minimum of 3 hours a month in this role. The role is likely to be on a Tuesday /Thursday between 4.30-7 pm. This role is likely to end in December 2023 when the project should be completed. The role will involve;
· Help set up any activities and games
· Assist and support children with any activities and games
· Listen and support children to talk about their experiences and develop their own views
· Encourage kind and non-judgemental behaviour
· Help clean and tidy up after activities