Norwich Samaritans have been supporting Norwich and central Norfolk for 58 years. Every year, our 180 volunteers give over 20,000 hours to support those struggling to cope.
Norwich Samaritans have been supporting Norwich and central Norfolk for 58 years. Every year, our 180 volunteers give over 20,000 hours to support those struggling to cope.
Listening volunteers answer calls and messages from people who really need someone to talk to. You'll be based in our Norwich branch.Posted byNorwich Samaritans
Our shops are a great place to volunteer. You can meet new people and gain new skills knowing that all profits raised go towards your local SamaritansPosted byNorwich Samaritans
Our shops are a great place to volunteer. You can meet new people and gain new skills knowing that all profits raised go towards your local SamaritansPosted byNorwich Samaritans
Become a part of the Norwich Samaritans fundraising team, attending events to collect funds and raise awareness of Norwich Samaritans. Posted byNorwich Samaritans