English Exchange Volunteer - King's Lynn Library
Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week
King's Lynn Library, London Rd, King's Lynn, England PE30 5EZ, United Kingdom
HostingTranslationAssistanceAdvice & MentoringSocial contactOtherDutchEnglishGermanSign LanguagesArabicPolishPortugueseOtherFrenchTurkishBulgarianCzechFinnishGreekHungarianHindiIndonesianItalianJapaneseKoreanMandarinNorwegianPersianRomanianRussianSlovakSpanishSwedishUkrainianUrduTigrinyaThaiDariPashto
Community & familyEducationWellbeing

Contact person
Katherine OsborneAsk Katherine a question
Norfolk Library and Information Service
Scan me or visit www.getinvolvednorfolk.org.uk/o/Norfolk-Library-and-Information-Service/opportunities/English-Exchange-Volunteer---Kings-Lynn-Library/56333 to join
Scan me or visit www.getinvolvednorfolk.org.uk/o/Norfolk-Library-and-Information-Service/opportunities/English-Exchange-Volunteer---Kings-Lynn-Library/56333 to join
We are looking for a volunteer to help with English Exchange sessions at King's Lynn Library on Thursdays from 2.30-4.30pm.Detailed description
English Exchange sessions offer people the opportunity to improve their spoken English skills by having conversations with other people. Running them in libraries ensures they are free and accessible to everyone. They are great for people attending ESOL (English as a second language) classes although anyone can attend. The skills gained through these sessions help people to connect with others, gain employment, access health and housing services.
Sessions run in the library (usually weekly). You will be working with other library volunteers with support from the library manager and library assistants to:
- Help lead an informal discussion group, to support anyone who wishes to practice their spoken English skills
- Use resources like conversation starter cards to lead discussions on topics chosen by those taking part
- Direct people to library staff to set up a library account
- Promote the resources available in the library to support learning and build vocabulary; language books, CDs, basic books in English such as Easy readers and electronic resources such as eBooks, eAudio books and Press Reader (online access to newspapers & magazines)
- Signpost to organisations offering more specialist support (job seeking, housing and translation services for documents)
Key Behaviours and Skills:
- Good communication skills
- An open and friendly manner
- An interest in helping others learn
- Able to attend regular weekly group meetings
- Ability to lead group discussion or one to one discussion using resources such as conversation starter cards and focus on specific areas of vocabulary
- An openness to learning about other cultures and people
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costsAbout Norfolk Library and Information Service
Norfolk Library and Information Service is nationally recognised as being one of the best library services in the country. We're an integral part of the public service offer in Norfolk. Our vision is for everyone in Norfolk to use their inspirational, safe and welcoming libraries. Our volunteers support and add value to our Library services. We have roles to suit all needs and we welcome volunteers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.