About Grapes Hill Community Garden
We are a small community garden open everyday from 9am until dusk - anyone can enjoy this community space free of charge.
The garden is looked after by Grapes Hill Community Garden Group (charity) but is fully led by the local community.
The garden is mainly edible, with trees, fruits, flowers, herbs and even some beautiful community art.
We host courses and workshops in the garden, often with free or subsidised places. The Grapes Hill Community Garden Group also runs several events during the year including live music, nature themed events, community picnics and Celebrations of International Culture.
We run volunteer sessions every Wednesday from 2pm - 4pm and every other Sunday from 1pm - 3pm (with a Family Group from 3pm - 5pm). Anyone is welcome, no experience necessary! We provide tools and gloves. Come along to spend time in nature, connect with others and share skills!
We also offer raised beds to rent to grow your own vegtables on an annual basis from as little as £5 a year.
You can follow us on social media (@grapeshillcommunitygarden on Facebook and Instagram, @grapeshillcom on Twitter) or sign up to our mailing list (via the website) to keep updated.Grapes Hill Community Garden