Housebound Service Volunteers with RVS and Norfolk Libraries

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Volunteers deliver books to people who are housebound, providing a friendly service and returning books that have been read to the library.Detailed description
The Royal Voluntary Service help Norfolk Libraries deliver books directly to the homes of residents who are housebound.
Once a month, librarians select books for housebound customers and the volunteer will visit 2 to 4 customers, dropping off new books and bringing back the previous month's books, making sure the are taken off the customers account. You'll establish a rapport with your customers and help with their isolation by being a friendly face and giving them the opportunity to talk about what they enjoy,
You will need to have your own own transport required and expenses can be claimed for the mileage you undertake. You will also need to undergo a DBS (criminal records) check, which the library funds, and the library will also provide safeguarding training as part of their induction training.
This role requires one day per month of anything between 1-3 hours depending on how long you chat to the customers. The day you volunteer is optional, as long it’s the same each month, It isn't a huge commitment of time but the difference you can make may be immense!
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costsAbout Cultural Connections Volunteering
It's an easy and fun way to get into volunteering for residents of Great Yarmouth and East Suffolk. You can volunteer at exciting arts, heritage and cultural events and activities, including festivals. Volunteer as little or as much as you like and choose the kind of volunteering that works for you, including online volunteering . If you’ve never volunteered before, or you think it might be difficult for you, we’ll support you every step of the way. You'll meet new people, learn new skills, build confidence, and even earn rewards.