Become a Climate Ambassador!

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Climate Ambassadors is a scheme hosted via the STEM Learning platform, helping education settings deliver meaningful sustainability and climate action.Detailed description
We are looking for Climate Ambassadors from a broad range of jobs and backgrounds to help deliver meaningful change on sustainability and climate change within the education system.
Climate Ambassadors work with nurseries, schools and colleges to develop climate action plans. Climate action plans will be designed to bring together all the work that education settings are doing on sustainability and climate change. They will cover decarbonisation, adaptation and resilience, biodiversity and climate education and green careers.
You don’t need to be an expert in all these topics- you can focus your time working on things that align with your experience. We will provide you with training and development to help you make the most of your skills when working with a nursery, school or college. There will be opportunities for you to work with the leaders, staff, young people and governors within your paired educational setting and we hope you will develop a long-term relationship so that you can see the impact of your work with them over time.