Various Roles at Our Day Centre for Older People
Organisation role · Flexible hours
NR17 2AH, Attleborough, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom
DrivingCooking & eatingTrusteeshipSocial mediaAssistanceCare workBefriendingSupport workAccompanyingGrocery shoppingSocial contactITArts & craftsPhotography & filmCreativeMusicEnglish
Older peoplePeople with disabilitiesWellbeing

Contact person
Heather NunnAsk Heather a question
Attleborough Day Centre
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Do you live near Attleborough? Would you like to be involved with our Day Centre for Older People? Do you have a few hours to spare?Detailed description
We currently have opportunities to help with:
Supporting and befriending older people at the Day Centre
Support with use of IT
Befriending and engaging older people in their homes (own car/transport essential)
Delivering meals to the Elderly (own car/transport essential)
Appropriate PPE will be supplied. All appointments are subject to satisfactory checks and references. If you are interested in any of these positions, more information is available from Attleborough Day Centre (Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Please drop in for a chat:
St. Mary’s Community Hall, Church Street, Attleborough, NR17 2AH.
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra supportAbout Attleborough Day Centre
Attleborough Day Centre is a Charity and runs three days a week for older people on Mon/Tue/Wed. The Centre provides full day care with hot freshly cooked lunch and various activities. The Centre also offers outreach services assisting older people to get out and about.supporting and befriending older people and delivering hot meals.