Church Ambassador

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Church Ambassadors play a vital role in the local church on behalf of TWAM. They inform the church of our mission and plans, such as opening new centres.Detailed description
Church Ambassadors play a vital role in the local church on behalf of TWAM. They inform the church of our mission and plans, such as opening new centres and introducing new supported countries.
They encourage prayer and distribute TWAM News and our Prayer Diary. They ask the church to consider TWAM for Harvest and other special offerings and invite Volunteer Speakers to speak at the church.
Church Ambassadors can organise local tool collections and work with our Tool Collectors and Volunteer Speakers. to bring the local church into the heart of all we do
You will be committed to serving your local Church and wanting to share the work and heart of TWAM for prayer and support.
You will be involved in your local Church and, therefore, somebody who will be listened to when leaders and members choose the charities the Church will support
You’ll be central to the ‘Kingdom Building’ ministry of TWAM in the UK and overseas. You will see people in your own Church engaging with TWAM and praying and supporting us. Lives will be changed in Jesus’ name because of your support.
🗣️ Native language skills
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra supportAbout Tools with a Mission
We send around 18 containers to rural African communities every year, full of tools that have been collected from across the UK, and refurbished in our refurbishment centres.
We have a strong environmental focus, as our work helps to keep around 225 tonnes of tools out of landfills in the UK every year.
We also have a wide range of volunteering opportunities that enrich local UK communities and provide a safe environment for people to make friendships whilst making a difference.